Mack has been getting so big lately. Its crazy to think he was in my belly just a few short months ago! He definitely recognizes mine and Lamb's voices now. He is starting to smile and coo all the time when he sees us. Nights have been getting better, we have gotten Mack on somewhat of a routine and he is taking to it well. He showers with dad, some nighttime lotion, feeding, then in bed by around 9p. For the past couple of nights he has only woken up once (around 2a) and then up in the morning around 6a to eat. Lamb weighed Mack last week and it put him at 13lbs! We think that may be a little off, but getting big none the less. This made daddy happy as he was slightly disappointed at Mack's weight at his 2 week appointment (8lbs 6oz, putting him at 50th percentile) Here are some pics of Mack in all his cuteness and a video of him talking to me.
my handsome little man!
Daddy and Mack
Mack chatting it up with Momma
After Nana and Tata's visit we got to go home to California for a week so that Mack could meet all his relatives and get to know his So Cal roots better. ha. If he hadn't been spoiled enough the past few weeks he definitely got his fill while in Cali. We visited Grandpa Alvarez (aka Papa P...shhhh don't tell him, he is not a fan) and Mack got to meet all his crazy/fun aunts on the Alvarez side. He also got to meet some of his future BFF's, Jackson and Logan. Logan is my dear friend Kerry's little boy who was suppose to be due a day after Mack but decided to make an early appearance at the end of February. Jackson is my friend Anna's (who I have known since I was 6) lil man. He was born on March 25th, just a day after Mack. The introductions went great and Mack is already telling me he misses his buds.
We made a trip down to El Centro to hang with the Lamoreaux gang so Mack could meet his aunt Tricia, uncle Mike and cousins Bryce and Austin. He is not big enough to pee in the great outdoors like his dad but rest assure when he is, dad will show him the ropes. We also got to see aunt Toni in Buena Park who made Mack his adorable blocks and talked a lot about babies, it's great that Mack will also have a cousin on Lamb's side to hang out with.
Mack did a lot of hanging out with his cousins on my side, Rya and Mia definitely gave him a lot of love. He got to watch cousin Rya play soccer and Mia was teaching him how to play guitar. Literally, she was making him play a mini toy guitar. And lil Ari and Saige gave him some competition in the cute department.
All and all is was an amazing trip as it always is to be home with family and friends, we only wish we could do it more often. Pics are below...
Big temperature difference from Reno to Cali.
Hanging with Grandpa
With Jackson (one day younger)
With Logan (one month older)
Nana Venise and all the grand babies
We were very fortunate to have family and friends come stay and help in Mack's first few weeks of life.
Nana and Tata Montano were the last to come to Reno. They stayed for 2 weeks helping with Mack in all sorts of ways. Making dinner, cleaning and watching Mack while I napped. Lamb and I also got to go out to dinner one night which was nice. I rode back with them to California while Lamb was in Kansas City for a strength and conditioning conference.
Auntie Kylie and Auntie Sara came to visit for a few days. They absolutely adore Mack and enjoyed hanging out with him as well as messing with him (taking pictures of him with their glasses on) Its crazy to think not too long ago we were dance the night away at 2am and now the only reason I am up at 2am is to fed the lil man.
Next up was Gma and Gpa Lamoreaux. They have not had a grandbaby to spoil in about 15 years so Mack was well taken care of during their visit. Momma Margo made some great food and really helped with Mack in changing and soothing him...and they did their fair share of holding him while they were here.
After my mom and sister Daniella left, Auntie Bianca and baby Saige stayed for an week. It was great to have someone around who just went though it all so she was a great help on little random questions I had through the week. We braved the mall one day and even got out for some sushi with Lamb plus babies.
Promise that Mack loves his greatgrandparents he was just hungry
Hanging with Gma and Gpa Lamoreaux
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