Thursday, March 17, 2011


Our little bun in the oven is almost done! Any day now Lo will go into labor and our little man will arrive...he is clearly on his own schedule. It has been a really long while since we have last posted. I have been on the road with basketball and the computer has been acting up again so Lo couldn't use the computer. Things have been relatively the same, doctor appointments are in and out...LITERALLY, walk in, sit down, called back, weigh in, blood pressure, measure stomach, listen to heart beat, cold/goopy fingers AND OUT!

We have both been NESTING a bit, getting all the final preparations ready for his arrival. Cleaned the house, set up his room, decorated it, got all of his clothes and things organized, put the seat in the car...all that is missing now is HIM!

We have finally settled on a name. The Last name has been in place obviously since the beginning (LAMOREAUX). The Middle name was agreed upon shortly after we found out he was a boy (EASTON). But as of late I finalized his name (MACK), Lo picked the middle name so I got to pick the first name...partly because of an indecisive wife and her worries of naming him something that he will later get made fun of. So keeping my initials M.E.L going (which spells my Dad's name), we soon will be introducing the world to Mack Easton Lamoreaux.

Those are a few pictures of the nursery...we wanted to keep it simple and vintage.

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